Week 20-I want to do it better.

I love this course. I love how it’s pushing me, getting me to think and do. I hate that I haven’t been able to do it the way I think I should be doing it-perfectly. I’m not doing it the way they tell me to do it. I run out of energy at the end of the day. Sometimes I don’t have time. My lunch time readings don’t happen very often because of how my job is structured. Sometimes I’m living life and I totally forget about it.

But. . .if I stop for a moment, and think about what I have been able to do, even the things that I didn’t understand, and think about where that has taken me, then I get excited! I’m 64 years old. I’m a grown up, supposedly. When I was younger, I thought I’d have it all figured out by now.

I now know that you never have it all figured out. If you stop learning and growing, then you’re done. I’m not ready to be done yet. I don’t feel “old”. I want to keep learning and growing.

Every week, I allow myself to be pushed. I purposely go beyond my comfort zone, and I grow. I make some mistakes, but that helps me grow too. I will continue on this journey, even if I do it imperfectly and I will continue to grow.

I don’t get everything right the first time. I need to do things a second time and sometimes a third time. I need to practice. Knowing that I need practice, lets me be kinder to myself and to others who don’t get it right the first time. I already plan on taking this course a second time, and maybe a third time.

I want to do it better.

5 thoughts on “Week 20-I want to do it better.

  1. I can feel your passion and hope that you are feeling it every time you read your DMP, every time you say Do It Now, every time you say I love you to the gal in the mirror. The better is happening, not with perfection, but with persistence. And you have that in spades!

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  2. Carol you are doing great! I am right there with you just like most of us. Long as we are progressing forward we will master it all. Did you get your reading recorded? I put mine on a cd and listen in my car. sure frees up some time.

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  3. Reading Jen’s comment regarding persistence, Carol, I’m reminded of something I heard once, “Better is perfect!” MKMMA is a form of life for how to live your life for the rest of your life. The lifetime memb I get ership should suit you well. Thanks for your honesty and your openess in sharing your journey with all of us!

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